At Least He Starved His OWN Horses More than the Boarders Horses?

June 8, 2011 § 34 Comments

Jason Ashley, from Ludowici, Georgia, Briarwood Stables off of Stafford Dairy Road, starved 18 horses at his unlicensed “training and boarding” facility.

Jason Ashley

Jason apparently owned a few of the horses, and those were the most neglected.  They were a body score of 1-2.  The rest of the horses, the boarders horses, were slightly better, at maybe a 2-3.

Jason Ashley, the stable operator and owner of the three horses in the worst shape…

Oh, did I mention Jason is apparently on parole for something?

…was taken into custody on a probation violation out of Hinesville.

Hmm, lets see if I can find out what he’s got priors for…  Aaaand of course, I can’t find anything.  Can anyone else look up what his prior arrest and conviction were for?  The only thing I could find was a Jason Ashley who was arrested in Florida for driving without a license, and then failure to appear.  I’m not sure if it’s the same guy, since there’s no mug shot available, but I do know this horse-starving Jason Ashley went to school in Florida and lived there for a time.

Melinda Massey had three of her horses at the farm. She questioned the caretaker about a month ago when she noticed some of the horses looked thin.

“He said all of th[ese] horses were rescue and that the reason they were malnourished,” said Massey.

Ah.  Right.  The “they’re rescues” excuse.  Except… they weren’t (of course).

Massey, like many of the other horse owners, paid Ashley hundreds of dollars each month to pay for food. Now she wonders where that money was really going.

This guy should be charged with more than ONE misdemeanor!

One of the Worst Ones

He must not have been making enough money between the boarding and the lessons he offered:

Regualar (sic) Show Horse Traning (sic)-
$850- Includes 2 Lessons a week

Academy Show Horse Training
$650- Includes 2 Lessons a week

Adititonal (sic) Lessons May Be Purchased at
$35.00 Each

PS:  I love how he’s too cheap to pay the photographer for the photos of his assistant riding in a show!

So Lets Review…

Running an unlicensed boarding and training facility, locking horses into box stalls, starving and neglecting them, and apparently “leaving them for dead”…  that makes you asshole barn owner of the year.

It turns out Briarwood Stables was not certified by the Department of Agriculture to care for horses.

“Our horse was here for three weeks and lost 300 lbs.,” said Massey.

Can you imagine those poor horses, no water, no hay… but staring out over the fence at this:

Starving but can’t reach the grass.  What torture for these poor horses.

If you want to watch the news video, I couldn’t embed it – please click here.


While he has been arrested, due to the fact that no horses actually died, Jason Ashley is only charged with one count misdemeanor animal cruelty.  For starving 18 horses.

Deputies are charging his assistant, Curtis Austell, with being party to the crime of animal cruelty.

Did I mention Jason Ashley is also listed on the Horse Gazette as a judge?  I wonder if he likes ’em skinny…

Worse Thing Yet

But it gets worse… he’s a fucking vet tech.  He says he graduated from Florida International University.

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§ 34 Responses to At Least He Starved His OWN Horses More than the Boarders Horses?

  • Not A Breed says:

    HA. I just realized that he was arrested for driving without a license…. and ran his business without a license too!


  • Thumper says:

    FYI, Just to let you know, The picture you have up with the beautiful grass is the “NEW” Stables he “Claimed” he was going to be moving to soon. He only wishes the barn where the horses were taken from, looked that good. This guy doesn’t deserve to ever see the light of day again. Around here, We hope he gets more serious charges that what is being told. He stole money from boarders who not only trusted him, But they also believed in him, They thought he was an honest man as well as legit. It’s a real shame. So many children have broken hearts now because of him. It’s so sad to see all of this happening.


  • Everything he listed online is a huge lie. He has no formal instruction or training. Vet tech..not a chance. The photo proofs were of his “Assistant” when he worked for another barn (before he was fired). Photos of the barn are not his… he often stole photos of other peoples horses to advertise and the best he made up fake names to write himself good comments and references!


  • He also used to go by Jason Ashley (and Ashleigh) Deloach according to MySpace.


    • Thumper says:

      He seems to have a lot of secrets. He’s obviously very good at lying. He told some people that the field the horses use to be in had parasites. But according to the man who owns that field, that’s not true either.


    • Not A Breed says:

      Thanks for all the comments! I appreciate any information you can put here.
      Just think, some day in the future if anyone Googles his name, this post will pop up – and your comments will be read. I always think that when I write these stories. Hopefully when he goes to open a new “business” or buy a horse… they will run a quick search.


  • Thumper says:

    He makes me sick. He even had the nerve to blame others for what he has done. From what I hear he didn’t have hay nor feed for the horses at all to feed them and he also was suppose to only be gone that Monday and Tuesday but be back Tuesday night. He was obviously trying to make sure it got blamed on someone other than himself. A lot of those horses were fat before they got to him. The boarders that did go everyday paid him board money and they still had to buy hay and feed for their horses and I guess they were feeding the other ones too. Mainly because they couldn’t just not feed them knowing Jason never had hay and feed delivered like he was suppose to. No matter how you look at it, It’s so very sad. The horses got screwed, the boarders got screwed too. I hope he doesn’t get a slap on the wrist and sent on his merry ole way for this.


    • nancy sealy says:



    • Not A Breed says:

      Horses don’t become emaciated over night. His ‘defense’ that it was someone else’s fault won’t hold up…
      Even if he was out of town for months it is still his responsibility to ensure his horses are cared for properly. It is his property, his business, his responsibility.


      • Thumper says:

        I agree. And from what I hear, There wasn’t even hay there and apparently maybe half a bag of feed there before he even left. I heard that the lady who owns the 5 horses in back was trying to supply hay for her horses plus the stalled horses even after she paid for her board.


  • nancy sealy says:

    From the info I got his “assistant” was feeding his personal horse and not the others. Also the photos for his “assistant” are horses owned by MY customers and yes they were taken BEFORE he was FIRED!!! I hope they rot – both of them. They I am sure had cigs, beer, cell phones anfd obvioulsy access to the internet as his “assistant” Curtis was on Facebook up until the day they were arrested as was Jason. Also they starved their on dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Not A Breed says:

      It is quite common that people who starve their pets rarely miss a meal.
      I understood from at least one of the articles that the three worst horses were his personal horses, and that they’ve been relinquished. The rest of the horses are being removed and cared for by their owners.
      I did not, however, hear of dogs. If you know what has happened to them, please let me know.


    • Thumper says:

      I don’t know about the dogs. Good question.


  • 3 horses were taken by the state but 1 or 2 “owned” by Curtis and 3 “owned” by Jason were left there. I have owned in quotes because the registered ones are not in their names and apparently they had not finished paying for them.


  • Thumper says:

    From what I understand, ALL horses were taken. The owners took theirs, 3 went straight to AG because of how bad they are and Jason & Curtis horses are going through the AG Auction.


    • Thumper says:

      I guess the lady who has 5 horses in the back paddock are the only horses there. I guess a sheriff is always sitting down there now as well.


      • Not A Breed says:

        Well, at least there’s a cop onsite. That’s good.
        Do we know if he made bail at all? Or will they hold him on parole violation? Does anyone know for sure what his prior charges were?


        • Thumper says:

          Liberty County has him. You’d have to call them to find out all the charges I guess.


        • Thumper says:

          Liberty County has him. You’d have to call them to find out all the charges I guess.

          I think all the boarders had proof of payment. They would have to if they paid him by this thing called paypal. I know he said before that that’s how most of them paid him.


  • One Monday when I went to help a boarder move I was told the 3 thinnest ones were headed to Hawkinsville almost all the boarders moved their horses while I was there with the exception of the lady with the 5 in the pasture. I was told the remaining horses, several of which were saddlebred who were in dispute of the rightful owner were going to remain there. I hope and pray the state has them all but Im afraid they dont.


    • Not A Breed says:

      Well, you have to feel at least secure that there is a police presence, and you KNOW those horses will be fed until their rightful owner claims them.
      I suspect someone may have been behind on their board or something so Jason was trying to keep them. I wouldn’t put it past him.


  • Not A Breed says:

    Is he 39 years old? If so, I officially have found his prior conviction.
    The one I mentioned in my article I suspected was incorrect as his birth date would put him at 27.

    If he’s 39 now, his charge is:
    Charge 1
    STATUTE: S893.13(2)(A)1

    Not that I know what the controlled substance in particular was, but I’m sure we could all guess


  • Thumper says:

    Well I just verified that he is in Liberty County Jail. They will not give any information about any of his charges unless you are a family member. Otherwise he has to tell you himself, and at this point, Anything he would tell anyone would be a lie anyways, so that’s a waste.


  • Not A Breed says:

    Oh. If he’s around 27 then my first one was right. His original charge out of Florida is for driving without a license.


    • Thumper says:

      I’ve been looking for the other warrants. I guess I don’t know how to do it. Rumor has it that he has warrants in Hinesville, Midway, as well as Savannah.


  • Starr says:

    I don’t understand why they won’t tell you the charges. I worked in law enforcement for almost 15 years and there is a little thing in Georgia called the Open Records Act. You may have to make a written request but they have to give you that information. It isn’t secure, like a DOB, SSN, etc. Any information like that is usually redacted but the charges are public.


    • Thumper says:

      I bet the lady has had so many calls on it that she has decided not to tell anyone else. But it’s BS because EVERYONE has a right to know.


  • Brian Matus says:

    And He is back… Just saw him working with the horse that was right next to the place he use to train. If anyone knows if he has any warrants please come take care of this piece of crap.


  • Brian Matus says:

    And for the record, my wife and I were the ones trying to maintain the horses once he skipped town, but with limited funds and him not leaving any money for feed or hay there wasn’t much we could do. Plus the limited time we had… The horses were in a bad state to start. Even spent 12 hours trying to get one horse off the ground after it was put into a stall with a biting rig on, then spooked.

    I am so aggravated right now….


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